Guilt Free Healing

I have been FABULOUS. I can't even begin to describe how much lighter I feel. I very rarely have a "guilty feeling" anymore. I am able to make much more clear decisions without agonizing over if I might upset someone or "mess them up" in some way. It's been so liberating. I am so incredibly thankful for your help in this. ❤️

KM Texas

Generational Trauma

Jo came highly recommended to me by close friends of mine, who had been patients of hers for some time. I was seeking help with my ongoing fertility issues. I have seen Jo on and off for a number of years now, both for acupuncture and healing. I find Jo very approachable, non-judgemental, and very intuitive. She is very caring and in-tune with how I am feeling and what I have been through. I trust her explicitly because I feel that she treats me with what I need on the day. I have been to a previous acupuncturist who has treated me from a text book: needles in the same place each time. Jo operates very differently. She takes my pulses and then will use acupuncture and healing according to what my body is telling her, so treatment is different every time. Lately, I have been struggling with anxiety and depression and so Jo suggested a joint healing session with Peter. After my joint healing treatment, I felt lighter, almost freer. Jo wondered about my family background and discussing things more with her she wondered if I was struggling with generational trauma. Something that she then cleared and I feel this has contributed to me feeling freer. My healing journey is exactly that: a journey. And I am so glad that I have Jo to help me on the way.

C.C. Bedford

Jo and Peter - WOW!!!

I suddenly felt the healing was complete… checked my phone and it was 3 mins since you posted your report. Early in the session my left leg really jumped for no apparent reason. But the HUGE thing is (as I have been in severe pain I can’t sit, stand or lie down) after chatting to you I lay back on the bed and did not move. I was completely comfortable and relaxed. My pain has gone. Yes I have had medication but have had medication all day and the pain still hadn’t gone. I’m so blown away. Thank you both so very much, I’ve had the best sleep I have had in ages. The feedback about the energy next to the house was really interesting. I am so grateful my intuition led me to your post.

LM Australia

Distance Healing Physical Problems

At the start of our distance healing session Jo asked me whether anything physical was troubling me. I told her of the long term issues with my pelvis and the knock on effects on my right leg and foot and on my ability to walk and move freely. As usual at the end of the session I felt calm and settled and a lot more comfortable in my skin. Unusually walking felt different. The next morning it felt as if years had been taken off my whole way of moving, as if there had been a release of some sort of vice-like grip which had been holding things in the wrong place for a long time. And the relaxation and easing continued. Overall an amazing transformation!! For quite some time now I’ve known you’re good Jo but I’ve absolutely no idea how you pulled this one off. Thank you so much.

MM Hampshire Coast

Divine Feminine

I simply wanted to give you an update since my treatment; I can feel that my feminine power has been building in strength. I am noticing that the reaction of other people to me is quite different. I have had strangers complementing me on my hair, men have been behaving differently around me (including asking me out for coffee) and friends telling me that I am radiating stronger, positive energy. It feels as though I am really stepping into my power and I have so much energy; it is as if I am bursting at the seams with it. I am making sure that I channel it towards good things by continuing to make plans for my future. It feels as if I am on the cusp of exciting times ahead. I refuse to take this sensation for granted and want to use this energised state to create a more simple, holistic life for myself. Thank you Jo!

J.W. Warwick

Healing after Loss

That was very beautiful and calming. When my eyes shut, normally it is black but it started black then went to a beautiful blue then white and my whole face was tingling I feel very peaceful a beautiful experience thank-you.

R.C. Queensland Australia


Have been seeing Jo for nearly 10 years. She has made such a positive difference in my life I regularly recommend her to friends/acquaintances. Jo is so friendly and caring with an extraordinary depth of professional knowledge I know I am in safe hands!!

JR Midlands

Distance Healing

Jo has been an incredible support and guide for me. She has helped me deal with things that have felt very dark and frightening in a down to earth, structured and clear way, and managed to help me remain grounded in the process. Through her healing, she has helped me recover a lifetime of energetic fatigue. We've been able to continue virtually through the pandemic, which has been just as powerful. Because of our virtual sessions, she has been able to 'see' into my home and help identify the root cause of certain issues, which otherwise would have continued to wreck havoc.

LQ Warwick


In the calm stillness, I can feel chords of healing linking with my chakras and spiraling throughout my being. It is a beautiful experience. Peaceful. I only have awareness of colours. At the beginning of the session I am aware of Peter's gentle, reassuring voice, then I am taken down to a deep level of relaxation. It's from this state that I emerge feeling very refreshed, stronger and calmer.

GC Northamptonshire


Thank you so much for yesterday. You helped me so very much - both physically to deal with the aftermath of the virus, but especially emotionally. I was amazed how the pericardium emotional state I had experienced since the tummy bug had brought to light the emotional issues that had already been underlying. I could actually be grateful for the bug! Not only did you really understood my situation and empathise with it, you also helped me to make something constructive of it. I was able to come home and have a good conversation with my husband and he really heard, and I have hope that it will be an important step in going forward with our relationship in a much healthier, happier way. The initial signs are hopeful anyway! I managed to both be vulnerable and honest, while still somehow protecting and honouring my heart enough. What a delicate balance it is. I feel very fortunate that he really met me at least half way, if not more. He genuinely does want to make it better than it has been. I talked about my need for nourishment from our relationship, which you first rightly identified in one of our earliest sessions, and he heard me. It is a good start. I was also able to explain about understanding and honouring his need to provide, and explained about the dopamine/oxytocin gender differences. It was so useful to be able to explain it logically for him as well as tell him how I felt. We have agreed to definitely give ‘us’ more time and that there will always be work which can be done, but we are going to start choosing more 'us' time. Thank you so much for your support and care. I feel so grateful to have met you.



Hi Peter, Thank you for yesterday. I had severe pain in my left side in the kidney area which had brought me to tears. After the treatment I felt relaxed and pain-free. I am a lot better today,

JW Buckinghamshire


I just wanted to thank you so much for my healing. I didn't realise until this morning how powerful it was. I slept so well and feel refreshed. I feel like I've been washed clean mentally and physically. So much clearer, lighter, calmer and brighter. It was a lovely experience. Love, light and deep gratitude 🙏 K.C Northants,

KC Northants


Good morning, Peter :) I realised after the healing, how much I'd needed it. I had a full day until 7pm at work, but it flowed and I felt capable. My sleep isn't great at the moment, for numerous reasons, but I did sleep for 8 hours solid! I've missed this area of life and I'm ready to let it in again. Need to. I felt 💯 taken care of and you genuinely held that space for me. Thank you so much. I'll be back..and I'll totally recommend you. Some of my clients need this, big time, and it isn't always apt for me to work this way with them. Thanks again.

A.G. Northants

Distance Healing

Hi Peter I feel so much better and really feel that it is because of your healing. Thank you so much! I feel lighter and more energy and more relaxed! The worries that were on my shoulders all have lessened! Bless you and thank you so much ❤ ❤ ❤

F.B. Somerset